// Body Image Lately
So if you know anything about me, I'm a huge advocate for stopping the obsession with body image. In fact, I started #DontGetBentOutOfShape just to talk about that. TrillYoga is also a call to action for all bodies (male and female and everything) to try yoga and be accepted in the yoga space.
However, all bodies are having a moment now as models work to drop the Plus Size title and embrace bodies as they are. Always reading, I wanted to share some current reads on the subject as we continue the discussion on yoga, bodies, and why it's even an issue to talk about.
Why Aren't More Gyms and Fitness Trainers Embracing Body Positivity?
I ask the same thing. Why are covers of magazine still trying to sell us on the idea we will only be happy and good enough if we have abs and a tight lifted butt? I'm quite happy without abs, but media doesn't seem to be changing.
"Feeling good about results is not the same thing as being shamed into believing you need to get them"
I have made a point to never train anyone or teach any class with any body shaming type of encouragement. I don't want it, and I won't ever feel comfortable telling people that. Also, we need to all learn the difference between fixing the internal messages we tell ourselves and what media bombards us with all the time.
The Plus Factor: And why there's a yogi in our logo
Some of my favorite women I have the honor of knowing and speaking with, showing what I always knew was true...the power of yoga to make us better to ourselves, and that yoga is for all bodies...and always will be.
Valerie Sagun of 'Big Gal Yoga' has some good advice for International Yoga Day
Worth a listen for anyone scared to get to a class. We can't let fear stop us from doing things that could make us feel better.
Women. Bodies. Empowerment. And WTF is going on.
From yours truly who always has a lot of thoughts on body image and the messages we are told, the judgements that are places on women, and why we need to chill.