// Nourish + Nurture 3of3
October 7th of this year, I turned 32. Every birthday, I take the evening before or even the week before to reflect. I think about the last year and everything that happened. I think about my heart, my head, my skin, and everything in between. I also think about what the theme in my life currently is. This year, all I could think about was Nourish + Nurture.
“To Nourish means to provide with food or other substance necessary for growth, health and good condition.
To Nurture means to care for and encourage the growth or development of. ”
Entering this period of life, my thoughts and concerns have been about nourishing my skin and my body from the outside and the inside. It has also been about nurturing my best self and best life. This idea extends past the body, and I am only allowing things into my life that feed my soul, while eliminating those that deplete me.
Think supple living, in every aspect.
I’ve broken these blogs down into 3 categories. Read more below, as I describe what I do, why I do it, and how important oils and hydration really are to me and why Nourish + Nurture should be your life theme, too, no matter what age.
3// SOUL (mind+ spirit)
This section takes it away from anything with the body and moves it to our soul. So much of how we feel is a reflection of what we consume. In earlier posts, I emphasize the products we use externally, and the nourishment we utilize internally. Yet, as I often ask my friends: How’s your heart? How’s your head? When it comes to our spirit, what we consume would include news, opinions, relationships, people’s energy and other esoteric things such as surroundings.
Nourish actually means to ‘keep, a feeling or belief, in one’s mind, typically for a long time. What are you nourishing? What messages play over and over in your head?
I sometimes think about the root system of a tree, the roots nourish the tree by finding nutrients in the soil and water. How much the tree does or doesn’t grow is as much about the environment the tree is in, as it in what the roots are finding. We have roots that are emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and physical. How do you nourish your emotional roots? Your spiritual roots? How are you feeding your growth or daily experience?
When I took on the nourish+nurture mindset, I started thinking, this is a time to cut out everything that doesn’t serve me. Everything that brings me down, weighs on me or doesn’t add love and light into my life. Below are some of my most important elements to nourishing and nurturing your spirit. And who doesn’t want a supple soul?
/ Listen to your body. I once read your body is a barometer of your truth. Honor that.
/ Technology Detox: Turn the phone off. Leave it in your room. Make an effort not to check socials unless needed. This is not only because everything negative happening with the world gets published here, but because of the constant comparison that can arise as a result of social media. There is no peace in that. Stay present.
/ Silence: In yoga and meditation, I often think about how loud silence is. When we must be alone with our thoughts, it can be overwhelming, yet it is also said, silence is the only language of god. Learn to see how healing silence can be. In a world where noise is the norm, take back your silence.
/ Relationships: In some circles, it is believed that we attract what we desire and ultimately want. Surround yourself with supportive people, people who listen and share in healthy ways. Do an inventory of relationships if you are having trouble separating what is and isn’t good for you. Notice where you might excel, and places where you might need to do more work. Learn to love and let go if need be.
/ Simplify food. Wholesome food that is consciously produced, sustainable, and not processed is not only good for the body but is good for the soul. Cook. Enjoy the process, and notice all your senses as you cook. Take a moment for gratitude before you eat. Bonus points for cooking and eating with friends and family. Share the love.
/ Connect to something outside of yourself. It is said, by giving we get. Donate your time, energy and skills to service work or a cause you believe in and feel called to. This can be a cause, a group, church-related, or even just helping out a neighbor or family member. Do things excepting nothing in return. These selfless acts can nourish our souls in ways innumerous, and make the world a better place overall.
/ Conscious News Consumption: My gut instinct here is to confirm that the world is fucked, but! I have faith that we can find balance and peace someday, yet while we try to do that, making an effort to consciously consume news will help greatly. By doing so, we keep ourselves in the know and aware without being engulfed by negativity, fear, or anger. Set boundaries for yourself and what news you do and don’t consume.
/ Feel your feelings. As goofy as this sounds…holding onto emotions without processing them is a way to slowly rot from the inside out. Anger, pain, sadness, disappointment, grieving might not be pretty but they have no place being hidden. Find safe outlets and get that shit out. Seek community or support if you need, or look to journaling or meditation. This also goes for good emotions! Embrace joy. Celebrate love. Laugh longer. Dulling how good we feel can also be detrimental.
/ Reading, Art, Nature… These items just add to life. They are peaceful, kind, and healing. Find what renews you, and make it a priority.
/ Love more. Because it’s really all there is, and if you need help with the overall concept of love as a lifestyle, not just as a romantic ideal, check out How to Be an Adult in Relationships.