// The Most Personal Trainer: Elvie
Over the last few months I have had the pleasure of working with the Elvie Trainer. Being in yoga and wellness, I’ve never been a stranger to pelvic floor muscles. I’ve long been intrigued with all aspects of my well being, especially those that aren’t always talked about. I’m also a woman who values my sexual and reproductive health. The more I learned about having strong pelvic floor muscles lead me to wonder if I was even doing the things I could to help them out. I spoke with a OBGYN once at an event who told me less than a third of women even know how to do a proper kegel exercise. Ah. With this knowledge, when I learned about the Elvie Trainer, I knew I had to give it a try.
“What is your pelvic floor?
The pelvic floor is a powerful set of muscles that sit like a hammock between your tailbone and the public bone, supporting and holding all your central organs in place. They play an important role in core stability, bladder control and even sex. ”
According to research, 1 in 3 women have pelvic floor weakness and up to 80% of expectant and new moms have pelvic floor issues (like bladder leakage.) These aren’t things I hear women talking about on social media, but I know in my personal circles no subject is off limits and we are each other’s best support for potentially sensitive topics. So, let me be your digital best friend right now, and tell you how special Elvie Trainer is if you’re having pelvic floor issues or if you’re looking to better your sex life in a real way (or if you plan on getting pregnant soon, or if you've recently had a baby and aren’t so sure what to do with pelvic floor weakness.)
The best parts I learned were that the movement to engage the pelvic floor is not a massive contraction but a more delicate and concentrated movement that feels more like “zipping up” your muscles, not engaging your abs and hips instead. I also learned that pelvic floor strength can vary during different times of the month. So instead of thinking it’s always got to be better and stronger, it’s more about gradual progress that ebbs and flows with how our bodies naturally behave.
You use the trainer by popping it into your lady bits and connecting to the app which then launches a video game. My competitive ass was really into this part, but you control a diamond through a set of exercises. In as little as 5 minutes, you're finished. You do this every other day (if you can!) and work your way up to different exercises. That's some smart stuff y'all and the same way my strength training programs work for the other muscles of your body. Definitely saw an increase in libido using when I stayed consistent with practice.
Also, for me, Elvie Trainer’s design was a win win. It’s sleek and nothing like what you might think of when you think “kegels.” It’s discrete (you can even fly with it in your carry on) and easily charges by USB cord. Head over to Elvie.com to learn more. They have all the details and way more info on what the device looks like, how to use it, and how cool the app video game works!